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Be a part of our community! There is an abundance of learning materials to explore, helping you to learn online how and when you want! New content will be added regularly.

our learning
Microlearn Modules: e-learning but not as you know it! Check out our core curriculum covering all the key areas of wound care.
our products
Products in Practice: use this interactive resource to learn everything you need to know about the wound care products you encounter in clinical practice.
Videos: watch your clinical peers discuss and debate the latest updates and controversies in your area of practice and have your say too.
live events
Live events: Learning live on different social media platforms allows you to interact with live speakers and audiences and be part of new launches and updated practice.
Access via cell, tablet, or desktop, to learn at work, at home or on the go.
Access across multiple social media channels including YouTube and Facebook. Evidence-cased wound care education, where, when and how you want.