23 January 2025
Debridement is an integral part of wound bed preparation for acute and chronic non-healing wounds. Debridement supports optimization of conditions at the wound bed to encourage normal, endogenous healing, reduces the risk of infection, and improves patients' quality of life.1,2,3
This microlearn provides a brief overview of debridement and its importance in supporting the wound healing process.
24 January 2025
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a significant complication of diabetes mellitus, affecting individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.1 These localized injuries to the skin and underlying tissue can potentially lead to severe consequences.
There are several risk factors contributing to DFU development including peripheral arterial disease, neuropathy, foot deformity, among others.2 Having a comprehensive understanding of common risk factors is crucial for implementing effective prevention strategies and early intervention measures. This microlearn will explore the pathophysiology of DFUs and risk factors associated with these often challenging to heal wounds.
24 January 2025
Atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower extremities is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality affecting over 230 million people globally.1
Vascular assessment, particularly the determination of ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI), is crucial in the management of leg ulceration and diabetic foot conditions. This assessment helps identify PAD, a condition affecting over 230 million people globally. Most people with PAD are asymptotic, underscoring the importance of ABPI in its ability to prevent potential harm from compression therapy in patients with PAD.2,3 This microlearn will review the pathophysiology and risk factors association with PAD.
24 January 2025
Wound cleansing plays a foundational role in the healing process of both acute and chronic wounds by promoting a clean environment conducive to tissue repair. Wound cleansing supports healing by promoting a clean environment for tissue repair, debris removal, reducing bacterial load, and supporting appropriate moisture levels.1
There are several common wound cleansing methods as well as myriad wound cleanser options available. However, many of the active ingredients in some cleansers are locally toxic and have limited or no proven efficacy in enhancing wound healing, thus making wound cleanser selection a vital component of evidence-based wound care.2 This microlearn will provide foundational knowledge of wound cleansing and its role in wound healing.
24 January 2025
Wound infection occurs when microorganisms invade a wound and proliferate to a level that triggers a local or systemic response in the host.1 When the skin's protective barrier is breached, bacteria can enter and disrupt the wound healing process. The increased presence of bacteria leads to a persistent inflammatory state, as white blood cells continuously attempt to remove the microorganisms.1 This process can overwhelm the host's immune response, compromising the wound's cellular balance by competing for oxygen and nutrients and creating a barrier to healing.
This microlearn provides an overview of wound infections and addresses common risk factors, clinical diagnosis of infection, and management strategies to put infected wounds on a healing trajectory.
Here you can see the resources available to help you to learn all about these communities of microorganisms that are present in the majority of non-healing wounds. Find out how to recognize when biofilm may be the cause of delayed healing, and how to carry out biofilm-based wound care to eliminate the problem.
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